Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Law of Supply

I have been reading a great book called "Working with the Law" by Raymond Holliwell. And as I said last week I will be putting together an article about each of the laws covered in this book. These laws will assist you in creating a multiple 6 figure income home business, or creating any lifestyle you choose.

This week's law is "Law of Supply", comes from an email I received yesterday with this great story about this law so I decided to post the reprint of this great article.

Law of Supply

Have you ever run a race, or worked at utmost capacity for a protracted period, or swum a great distance? Remember how, soon after starting, you began to feel tired? Remember how, before you had gone any distance, you thought you had reached your limit? But remember, too, how, when you kept on going, you got your second wind, your tiredness vanished, your muscles throbbed with energy, you felt literally charged with speed and endurance?

Stored in every human being are great reserves of energy of which the average individual knows nothing. Most people are like a man who drives a car in low gear, not knowing that by the simple shift of a lever he can set it in high and not merely speed up the car, but do it with far less expenditure of power.

The law of the universe is the Law of Supply. You see it on every hand. Nature is lavish in everything she does. There is abundance for everyone. But just as you must strain and labor to reach the resources of your "second wind," just so you must strive before you can manifest the law of supply in nature.

The world belongs to you. It is your estate. It owes you not merely a living, but everything of good you may desire. You've got to demand these things of it, though. You've got to fear naught, dread naught, stop at naught. You've got to dominate - not to cringe. You've got to make the application of the Law of supply.

"Consider the lilies how they grow." The flowers, the birds, all of creation, are incessantly active. The trees and flowers in their growth, the birds and wild creatures in building their nests and finding sustenance, are always working - but never worrying. "Your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things." "And all these things shall be added unto you."

If all would agree to give up worrying - to be industrious, but never anxious about the outcome - it would mean the beginning of a new era in human progress, an age of liberty, of freedom from bondage. Jesus set forth the universal Law of supply when he said, "Therefore I say unto you, be not anxious for the morrow, what ye shall eat, or wherewithal ye shall be clothed - but seek first the kingdom of God, and all those things shall be added unto you."

Why is it, then, that so many millions of men and women go through life in poverty and misery, in sickness and despair? Why? Primarily because they make a reality of poverty through their fear of it, they visualize poverty, misery and disease, and thus bring them into being. And secondly, they cannot demonstrate the Law of Supply for the same reason that so many millions cannot solve the first problem in algebra. The solution is simple - but they have never been shown the method. They do not understand the law. The power is placed in hands so taken up with other things that they have no time to seize it.

The essence of the law is that you must think abundance, see abundance, feel abundance, believe abundance. Let no thought of limitation enter your mind. There is no lawful desire of yours for which, as far as mind is concerned, there is not abundant satisfaction. And if you can visualize it in mind, you can realize it in your daily world. Use this power to create the home business you want, the lifestyle you want or a multiple 6 figure income!

Robert Collier
From The Book of Life

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