Sunday, January 20, 2008

Make "Luck" Happen!

Do you know someone who's always lucky - a friend or colleague for whom things just work out - as if by magic?

The concept of luck brings up an age-old question: "Are some people born lucky and others not?" The answer to both parts of this question is "no." You - right now - have the ability to create your own luck. So-called luck is simply the ability to attract your desires into your home based business.

In fact, researcher Dr. Richard Wiseman conducted a ten-year scientific study on "the luck factor" and discovered that lucky people "generate their own good fortune via four basic principles. They are skilled at creating and noticing chance opportunities, make lucky decisions by listening to their intuition, create self-fulfilling prophesies via positive expectations, and adopt a resilient attitude that transforms bad luck into good."

Philosopher William James referred to attitude as the "mother of luck." If a positive attitude is the mother of luck, then attraction and abundance round out the family. If you expect a positive outcome, you generally get one. If you pour energy intoworrying about a bad outcome, you may create a self-fulfilling prophesy. The law of attraction influences luck as well. Like attracts like; what you put out, you get back.

What you focus on influences your results. And a positive attitude plus positiveattraction equals abundance in all areas of life - including luck.

Follow this acronym to create your own lucky breaks:

L - Listen and let go. Listen to your intuition and detach from the outcome. Stay focused on your intuitive desires rather than on attempting to control the outcome.

U- Understand and notice. Observe your environment. Be mindful of opportunities. Take your blinders off and see what you've missed.

C - Claim what you want. You've got to know what you want. Observe what you deny yourself. It's impossible to create abundance from scarcity - as lucky people know.

K - Keep at it. Listen to your intuition, observe your environment and claim what you want; then take inspired action.

Once your "luck" begins to change and the good times roll in, be mindful. It's common to experience an identity shift as you attract more desires into your life. This may unconsciously - or consciously - activate your fear. You may feel like you're in unfamiliar territory and not entirely sure of the ground rules.
Persevere. Stay the course. Continue to follow the tenets of the LUCK acronym to help you through this growth spurt.

The next time you catch yourself waiting for a lucky break, take luck into your own hands. Survey your beliefs and thoughts; be aware of what you attract and watch your deepest desires flow more smoothly into your life. Empower yourself and watch the good fortunes of lady luck come your way.

How To Make Your Own Luck Some folks do have all the luck -- You can decide what you want in you life and create the lifestyle you want!
Thanks to Peter Comrie

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Women and Wealth Today

From The Economist print edition

Heads up ladies:

By 2020 over half of Britain's wealthy millionaire's may be women. Why?

IN APRIL of 2007, 92 females graced the Sunday Times Rich List, an annual round-up of Britain's 1,000 wealthiest people. Ten years ago there were 64. And rich women are getting richer, too: over the decade the average worth of female millionaires has grown by more than half. Today Britain's wealthiest woman has £4.9 billion ($9.6 billion) to her name, compared with the paltry £1.5 billion her counterpart had in 1997. The Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) reckons female millionaires will outnumber male ones by 2020, and by 2025 women will control 60% of the nation's private wealth. They do better at school and in higher education, and they live longer. Girl power, it seems, never had it so good.

Is this wave of affluence a chimera or does it have solid underpinnings? A report this week by the Economist Intelligence Unit, our sister company, for Barclays Wealth, a financial-management firm, claims that the historical sources of women's wealth—marriage, inheritance and divorce—have been replaced by independent income, business ownership and investments. More than 80% of women now derive their riches from personal earnings, it says, particularly from their own businesses. Divorce, long the engine that propelled women into prosperity, is cited by only 2.9% of those questioned as the main source of their wealth.

But Philip Beresford, who compiles the Rich List, dismisses the idea that women are breaking into its ranks independently of men. “There is no evidence, yet, of seriously rich female entrepreneurs coming in huge numbers,” he says. The woman who tops the list is in fact Lady Green, whose husband made them both a fortune in retailing. If the CEBR is correct, Mr Beresford thinks most British millionairesses will still be wives, daughters and divorcees.

A glance at the number of women in the top ranks of business suggests he is right. Women make up only a tenth of the directors of FTSE-100 firms. They are also under-represented in the upper echelons of management. In a report in March, PricewaterhouseCoopers, an accountancy firm, said that the number of female senior managers in FTSE-350 firms had fallen by 40% since 2002. This may be due to a prevailing macho culture at the top; or it may reflect the costs of child care, which have risen by 27% in the same period.

If things look sticky at the top, women at the bottom find the relative going far tougher. Although the gap between men's and women's earnings has shrunk for those at all income levels, it remains far bigger among the poorest tenth than in any other group. The latest annual report from the Equal Opportunities Commission shows why: men still dominate highly paid work, and the proportion of female graduates in low-level jobs has rocketed in the past decade, along with the number of people going to university.

It will take another 60 years before there is equality between the sexes in British business (and 200 to achieve the same in Parliament), the commission calculates. Progress, it moans, is “painfully slow and at risk of going into reverse”. It's still hard to be a woman.

Ladies, we thought this article important enough to share with you as the situation is exactly the same in North America --Women's wealth will driven by their own personal earnings. From this desk we see it all as a level playing field. Go make a multiple 6 figure income, then change the rules.

Monday, January 7, 2008

How To Know If This Is The Year To Start Your Home Based Business

By Des Walsh of

Someone told me they read somewhere that at this time of the year a lot of people do searches on the web to help them study options for establishing themselves in a home based business.

As a long-established - as in 20 years - home based professional, part of me says that’s a really smart move. There is also part of me that says I hope they know what they are doing.

Moving from a regular job, with bosses, bureaucracy, regulations, and all the challenges of working in organizations, can be very liberating. By the same token, giving up regular paychecks, office support and the pleasure of working with other people you like and respect can mean that establishing your home based business is not a totally positive experience.

In fact, it can be rather scary.

What if it doesn’t work? What if your new business doesn’t take off?

Negative thinking? Or just being practical?

In making the move I probably followed my heart more than my head. I believe that was right for me. Doesn’t mean it’s the right thing for everyone.

In fact, the “hesitation” questions are quite practical. The concerns are reasonable. In business, dealing with such questions is called doing due diligence.

And you can do due diligence without giving up your day job. Take a gradual approach: explore the possibilities without burning your bridges.

In other words, don’t walk into the office next week and announce your resignation as a prelude to your new, free, glorious career as a self-employed, home based business owner.

Of course, you can if you wish. My suggestion, especially if you have family responsibilities and are not a totally independent, free agent, is to take the gradual approach.

That way, you can maintain the security of your current job while building your home based business to a point where it makes good economic sense, good business sense, to fire your boss and become fully independent.

And even though I followed my heart and did not do real due diligence in the sense I understand that process today, I did not make the move overnight. Physically I was still working for other people and going to the office, but I had made the move from being an employee to being a consultant, had negotiated a five day a week, long term consultancy, had set up my home office as a place for serious work and negotiated a couple of smaller contracts I could do “after hours”. I’d spent a lot more money than I would have to these days on a computer, printer and fax machine (fax machine, what’s that? :)).

After all this time I have to admit that sometimes, when the cashflow isn’t what I want it to be, or I’m having a challenge drumming up business, there is a moment when a little voice says “you had a good job, a nice office, four weeks annual paid leave, why did you give it up?”. Well, partly because the job I had was not what I wanted to keep doing and anyway it was not forever: I’d given that up when I left the public service several years earlier.

And the negative thoughts don’t last long.

I have no desire to ever go back to being an employee. And I love the daily challenge of making my own way, creating my own future.

For anyone thinking about these issues for their own situation right now, Wendy Piersall provides a great checklist with her 10 Signs that You Should Quit Your Job to Work at Home.

Whatever you decide, be fair to your family and true to yourself. Which of those comes first? I don’t know for anyone else, but I suggest that while you have to balance both, you won’t be much use to anyone in the long term, including your family, if you are not, sooner or later, true to yourself and committed to realizing your dreams.

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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Three Warning Signs of Poverty Mentality

by Randy Gage

When was the last time you gave any serious thought to your priorities, and where you expend your energy? Can you say with certainty that you are completely focused on ‘abundance’ and not on ‘lack’?

I don’t think people are born with an abundance mentality or a lack mentality. I think for many of us our priorities are the result of subtle, subconscious ‘programming’ that determines our approach to just about everything in life. Instead of being programmed for success, most people are programmed to avoid failure.

This programming controls how you react to hundreds of situations, each and every day. And the way you react reveals what your programming really is.

There are many different warning signs all around us that we are suffering from lack programming or a poverty mentality, but none of these red flags will be of any use until we open our eyes and start looking for them.

Like posted traffic signs and speed limits, these warning signs are there for our benefit, helping us raise awareness of our programming. Three of the most common warning signs I see are the following:

Warning sign #1: Constant Money Fixation What do you think about money? When you do think about it, are you concerned about how much of it you lack, or how much you can manifest? Have you ever thought about why you want to manifest money in the first place?

Most poor people spend all their time thinking about money (or more specifically, their lack of it). When I was younger and broke, that’s what I did. I was fixated on money. I thought about all the things I didn’t have and couldn’t get. And I was very jealous of the people who had them.

Warning sign #2: "I Hate Rich People!" Being jealous of all the things other people had that I didn’t help matters. Know where it led? Jealousy soon turned to hate. Soon I hated all rich people because they had what I wanted -- nice homes, exotic cars, expensive clothes. That’s when the real problems started, because as much as I hated rich people, I was working hard every day trying to become one! That set the stage for a whole bunch of internal conflict that I had no idea was going on.

I ended up surging forward to success, only to sabotage myself every time I got close. I snatched defeat from the jaws of victory more times than I can count.

I thought I was programmed for success, but was actually programmed for poverty.

Warning sign #3: Fear-Based Decision-Making Making decisions based on fear of loss or failure never leads toward prosperity.
In fact, fear-based decision-making can rob you of any sense of happiness or joy of success, and distort your behavior.

Have you ever seen someone experience more anguish at losing $10 than earning $100? Ever seen someone drive around a parking lot for 10 minutes to avoid a one-minute walk to the store?

These scenarios are fear-based, not prosperity driven. The decisions are not made on what the possible benefits are, but made in order to avoid a possible negative outcome.

How do you know what kind of programming you have? If you really want to know if you have prosperity programming or a poverty mentality, look for your answer in the previous scenarios. Do they sound familiar?

If you make decisions--particularly money and career ones--based on the "moving away from fear" model, you’ve got poverty programming. If your decisions are made based on a positive "move toward prosperity" model, then you have success programming.

What do you do if you test poverty programming?

You’re already doing it. Raise your awareness of your programming and recognize it for what it is. Of particular importance is regulating the influences you’re getting from the TV shows and movies you watch, books you read, etc.

I applied the principles of a prosperity mentality, and you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who has had a greater degree of turnaround. This only happened because I was willing to confront my weaknesses, discover and eliminate the insidious poverty mentality I had, and replace it with positive programming. To this day, I am ever vigilant, mindful of what I allow myself to watch and listen to, and the people I associate with.

The more you experience success and prosperity, the more you’ll start to realize how little they have to do with opportunity, chance, luck--or even training, education, or skill. It has everything to do with consciousness, beliefs, and even subconscious programming that you aren’t aware of.

You see, poverty is not an absence of money and things -- it is a mindset.

Prosperity is not an abundance of money and things -- it’s also a mindset.

When I began studying the laws that govern prosperity, I had to get out of my comfort zone, face fears, and really examine my belief system. It was hard work, and sometimes still is, but the results are well worth the temporary discomfort. I share all of this with you in the hope you too will benefit from its truth. I want you to be healthy, happy, and rich!
